
How Can You Use Instagram For Virtual Events?

People are always on the hunt for ways to improve productivity and live a more fulfilling life. On social media, the options are seemingly limitless. Instagram has become an interesting platform, and in these days of virtual events and live streams, this tool is becoming very popular. It is an interactive platform that allows people to share some of their happiest moments in pictures. Instagram can be used as a promotional tool for artists and performers who need to promote their gigs and shows. Here are some of the ways you can use Instagram for virtual events.

Interact with your fans directly

One of the best things about Instagram is that you can get connected to all your fans through direct messages. Interacting with them in a regular way allows you to address any questions or concerns that they have. However, it is important to remember that this is a social channel, therefore it is not about selling your products or services. You can simply ask for their feedback and then use this as a learning experience when promoting your gig. Buying Instagram followers from is a great way to attract new customers and clients to your business.

Engage with the crowd

Interacting with your fans on Instagram can be very motivational and inspirational. You can showcase to them your music while also asking your followers to give you some feedback. When you do this, your fans will get motivated and inspired, which will help them to want to come along and support you at your event.

Promote the event

One of the best ways to promote an event is by sharing images of it on social media. This way, you can let people know that they can go and watch what’s on offer. Make sure that you do not use too many images and videos because you don’t want to overwhelm your fans. You can simply post a few images every day for a week to get the word out there. This is not just limited to Instagram, but is also relevant for Facebook and Twitter.

Create giveaways

Giveaways are always popular on social media, and Instagram is no exception. You can give away concert tickets and VIP passes in order to drum up the excitement even more. Instagram is a tool that you can use on the day of your event, in order to let attendees know where they need to go. You can also keep them updated with any changes and new information right up until the moment when you start the show.

Use your profile

If you have an active profile on Instagram, then you should be able to grow your fan base very easily. As more fans add you on this platform, people will notice that you are getting more likes and comments every time.